#TiburcioTipidTips : The Bo Sanchez Guide to Living Rich for Less [Part 2]

truly rich club

If you are reading this and wondering where part one is, click the following link: The Bo Sanchez Guide to Living Rich for Less [Part 1]

Finished reading part one?

Let’s get on with the second half of The Bo Sanchez Guide to Living Rich For Less and get to know where Bo Sanchez never scrimps on when it comes to spending (Any idea what that is?)

Save on Entertainment

  • Rent or borrow movies to watch and cook your own popcorn at home with the family.
  • Play board games at home. Try Monopoly, chess or Pictionary. It’s fun and educational!
  • Pool your subscriptions to magazines like Reader’s Digest with relatives that are close by and share copies.
  • Cut on cable television. Learn to live without cable or just choose the channels you like (which is around 20% of the total channel count).

Save on Medication

  • After studying natural health philosophy, Bo Sanchez realized that he and his family have been overmedicated. Antibiotics weaken the immune system over time. So, for regular sicknesses like fever, what they do is they don’t ingest solid food for 24 hours. Instead, they just eat fresh fruit and vegetable juices the entire day. Imagine how much you’ll save on medications and doctor visits with that shocking revelation!

Where NOT to Save

  • Are you ready to know where NOT to save? Well here it is.. Bo Sanchez advises not to save on Personal Development. Why? Because it is not an expense, it is an investment! Investing on yourself includes reading books, attending seminars, and enrolling on online courses and mentorships like The Truly Rich Club.
  • For me, being in the Truly Rich Club is one investment that has given me back my money many times over! It’s all I need in investing in the Stock Market and more!


How about you? Do you have anything to add on how to live rich for less?

Share it with us in the comment section below!

To our success in all areas of life,
Argel Tiburcio
I’m on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/argeltiburciopfa

Image source: http://www.kissesandhuggsclub.com/2011/05/why-money-driven-relationships-will-not.html

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When he is not busy watching "The Office", lounging at the beach, or playing 1st person shooting games, Argel consistently invests in the stock market, both local and global. He loves learning through books, training, seminars, and workshops. He also helps Pinoys create, manage, grow, and protect their wealth as a globally-certified Professional Financial Advisor. Get in touch with him by sending an email to contact[at]argeltiburcio.com
  1. March 18, 2013
    • March 18, 2013
      • June 5, 2013
      • June 5, 2013

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