Personal Finance Archive

The 70-20-10 Money Management Tool

How to SYSTEMATIZE your SPENDING but still SAVE CONSISTENTLY using this Money Management Tool! Are you STRUGGLING to CONSISTENTLY save money? Do you want to have a FREE TOOL to create a SIMPLE SYSTEM that builds your HABIT to invest? Would you like to ...Read More

How do you define “Financial Freedom?”

How do you define “Financial Freedom?” For me, being financially free is doing whatever I want to do, whenever I want it, without even thinking about money. BUT, what’s more important is WHEN do you want to be financially free? When do you SEE ...Read More

AIA Philam Life Customer Rewards Program – FAQs

Good news for Philam Life policyholders and for those who don’t have their Philam Life policies yet! As our way of rewarding you for keeping your policy active through the years, we are giving you the AIA Philam Life Rewards program.  A first in ...Read More