Secrets of Great Software Engineers [Infographic]

What makes a great Software Engineer? Kissmetrics partnered with Mixtent to create an infographic about software engineers. Beautifully illustrated below are four of the amazing findings that the study discovered about software engineers. KISSmetrics Web Analytics   Being a java software engineer myself, I ...Read More

8 Steps to a Proper Handshake

When a person offers an unsoiled, unarmed right hand, it is a symbol of peace and goodwill Body language portrays your self-confidence. Shaking hands is a big part of your body language. First impressions are based partly on how you do your handshakes. Handshakes ...Read More

[Infographic] The Shocking Truth About E-Mail

One very important lesson that I’ve learned after reading The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss is to change the frequency of checking my E-Mails. He mentioned limiting the checking of E-Mails to at most twice a day. He also insisted on checking E-Mails at specific ...Read More

The Minimalist Guide to Good Posture

Stand Out with Confidence Body Language Body language speaks of a whole lot of things, including a person’s self-confidence. Self-confidence or the lack of it can be manifested in many ways, one of which is through body posture. Body posture is the way you ...Read More

How to Overcome the Fear of Failure

Don’t despair, failure is just success in disguise Ken, a chef, was only four years old when he realized that one must fail in order to learn and to strive for more. However, such philosophizing was not known to him then as he was ...Read More